Sunday, December 1, 2024



Acutes - Many cases of fever are coming

Few points which might help to prescribe! 

If child is coming with HIGH grade fever and very cranky, dull++ Chilly + Thirsty

I have seen the remedy which is working like a magic is CHINA (Gels, Nat is not giving that good response) 

CRANKINESS IS A KEY WORD, if child is not irritable - China rule out 

If asking warm food - China Ars

If red lip with High grade fever - China Sulph 

Potency - 10m (2-3doses required as per follow up) 

Other remedy - Helping a lot to my surprise is Eupatorium 

Chilly + Thirsty + warm food desire (Not irritable) 


Potency 200 (3-4doses required as per follow up) 

Other key point is - Dry cough remains after FEVER, fever gets better but cough remains - Sanguinaria 200 one dose does the magic! 

Other only cough cases are coming - cough is not subsiding - Take a Aggravation modalities of cough + one general symptom - single dose gives wonderful cure. 

Dr Vijayakar sir Theory of acutes must read!!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Vijayakar sir interview

An Interview with Dr. Prafull Vijaykar Rajesh Bhide
Rajesh: Good morning Sir, you have come a long way from being an allopath, a mixopath and are now a very successful homeopath. How did you end up here? What are the necessary qualities for becoming a good homeopath?
Vijaykar: I would say I have been consistently ready for change. To change for the better, plus openness to all other sciences. Not being dogmatic about just what's given in the Organon and our philosophy. In fact studying the Organon in the light of modern medicine. The whole effort is to work in collaboration. To fill in what's lacking. The birth of homeopathy itself occurred because of such thinking. It was discovered by Hahnemann who originally was an allopath. Since he was so frustrated with the shortcomings of allopathy, he felt intensely the need to have a science which would be mathematically perfect and based on laws and principles. So you see homeopathy was not discovered to treat cough and cold! It was discovered to treat irreversible and incurable pathologies for which the old school had no cures.
Today I treat all the so-called hopeless and given-up cases with a success rate of as high as 75 to 80 % and that also with just simple polychrest remedies. One day in my clinic provides enough material for an 8-day seminar! I rarely see cases of patients with simple pathologies like eczemas, allergic bronchitis, mental depression etc. I believe if the world wants to know the real potential of homeopathy, homeopaths should expose themselves to such incurable, hopeless, complicated cases where every “-pathy” has failed, of course with sound knowledge and consciousness. It's an insult to homeopathy when it's used to treat simple cases!
Rajesh: So the most important quality a homeopath should have is the readiness to change?
Vijaykar: Absolutely. Today we have advanced technology, the books of scholars from all over the world, the study of genetics. I use and apply all of it in my practice.
I have used the study of genetics to understand miasms in a whole new way. When I apply it in my practice, every case becomes so simple. And not only genetics but also all the sciences which help us understand man as a whole. After all we treat the man in disease and not disease in man! We have to understand the internal mechanism of man.
It is necessary to understand:
How he is developed? Embryology How he functions? Physiology What happens in disease? Pathology What happens in cure? Immunology How he is different from others? Genetics
All this together constitutes the idea of Individualization. It is the basis of our prescription.
Rajesh: why do you give so much importance to miasms? Can one not practise without studying them?
Vijaykar: You may not be able to give the results the way I am giving, in advanced pathologies. And note that Hahnemann himself has provided this connection. He could not go further since he did not have the modern gadgets to study man in as detailed a way as we can today.
Rajesh: in your books and seminars you always seem to stress there are only three miasms. And you give scientific explanations at the genetic and cellular level. Can you explain in a bit more detail?
Vijaykar: Every cell has GOD in it. G for generation, O for organization, D for destruction. If you look at this from the homeopathic point of view, you will see three miasms. “Dust to dust, every man must!” The moment we are born, we start our journey towards death. I try to see what defence mechanism my patient is using to save himself. Miasms are nothing but defence mechanisms.
Psora represents the physiological defence which is just at the functional level. It means defence brought about by the cell or organism by promoting natural or normal healthy functioning in the cell or tissue. For example, if a bacteria or fungus attacks, the first step the cell may take is to promote production of certain already present antibacterial agents secreted by it on the cell wall like lysozymes in mucus membranes or unsaturated fatty acids on the skin epithelium, or producing free flui

d in large quantities so that the bacteria or fungus is washed off, or by using the primary defence mechanism of inflammation. Or by increasing or decreasing the pH of the cytoplasm. The sole aim is to make the bacteria die its own death by temporarily changing the biochemistry.
When this fails there is a switch in the gears of defence. After the limits of reversible physiological changes are exceeded, certain changes take place in the genes, which include irreversible changes in the morphology or the structure of the cell. Accumulations start taking place in the cell wall or cytoplasm. The cell wall starts thickening by excess accumulation of lipids, proteins or glycogen simply to protect the cell from irritation. This is Sycosis… polyps, warts, cysts, tumours, atherosclerotic plaques, deposition of pigments and minerals. On the mental level there is an accumulation of power, money, and egotism basically to create a facade to hide the internal weakness.
When both these mechanisms fail, the cell switches its gear of defence to defend or to save the whole organism by destroying a part of it. This is Syphilis, the miasm of destructive pathologies like gangrene, necrosis, ulcers, and fractures. On the mental level it can be seen in extreme behaviour, something out of control.
Many times we also have two miasms combined: cancer, for example, is sycosyphillitic:
First accumulation then destruction.
So, you see, pathologies develop in such a systematic manner: there is an order even in the disorder! No disease is without a precursor or a follower. Most ailments are the result of an individual harbouring a tendency to a particular disease. No disease falls from the sky. It is mostly the result of a chain reaction. Hahnemann considers the discovery of miasms more important than the discovery of homeopathy itself. You may read Aphorism 74 and the introduction to Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases.
Hering's law
Rajesh: I know you have written a lot about the importance of Hering's law of cure, but can you please briefly tell us here why it's so absolutely necessary to follow it in practice? You also have made your own addition to the law that cure should follow from the more to the less destructive miasm.
Vijaykar: Our science is unique only because of this law of cure. Homeopaths who don't follow it or don't give importance to it, these people I don't consider homeopaths. They are dangerous for the spread of proper homeopathy.
In the first aphorism of the Organon, Hahnemann speaks of the mission of a physician, it is REstoring the sick to health. The letters RE means going back to where it was i.e. health. The disease travels from the less important organs (embryological origin – ectoderm) to the most important level (the level of the mind of the cell – the basic cell code!). If we refer to embryological books we can say it travels from the ectoderm to endoderm to mesodermand finally to neuroectoderm. Now when we find the genetically constitutional simillimum, the cure should take place in the exact opposite order. My addition to Herring's law of cure would be that cure should take place from the more destructive miasm to the less destructive miasm. This indicator helps me enormously in judging the direction of symptoms. I will explain with a simple example. If I am treating a patient of hemiplegia (a syphilitic pathology) and after a few weeks the patient starts developing diabetes mellitus (sycotic) I will not interfere since I know it's going in the right direction. I expect the psoric symptoms to come up in a few weeks as, for instance, skin eruptions or, at the mental level, anxiety. Of course by this time the paralysis has been cured completely. But one has to be watchful if it's getting cured or suppressed! You have seen my hundreds of cases of such advanced pathologies and how beautifully they come back to health.
Rajesh: Sir, many homeopaths are keen to follow this Law but sometimes it's so confusing! For example asthma disappears and dry cough and sneezing starts, now is this from down upwards? Good or bad? Diarrhoea stops an

d psoriasis starts. Is it the exteriorization of diseases? Or the situation in which mental symptoms are better but the patient feels physically weak?
Vijaykar: This is the tricky part and here one must have knowledge of embryology and genetics! After years of experience I have formed a chart of suppression where one can see how the disease travels and how the cure should take place.
Just to briefly answer the examples you have given: asthma disappearing and the dry cough and sneezing starting is a very good sign. It's the inside-out direction. Where diarrhoea stops and psoriasis starts is a bad sign; it's not exteriorization of disease but a frank suppression. The disease has shifted from endoderm (2nd level of mesodermal connective tissue) to 3rd level since psoriasis although expressed on skin (the epidermis) is actually due to pushing up of keratinocytes by a problem in the dermis (dermatome origin), hence it's deeper.
Where mental symptoms are better but the patient is still physically weak, it is absolute suppression. The body has to follow the mind! In the follow-ups the first thing I look for is the patient's generals getting better. Weakness (if any) has to improve. Mind and Body function together. In health there is balance. So when we say this patient is cured, we cannot leave him alone with just his mind better and with the body that is weak.
New remedies
Rajesh: you have cured a number of cases of so-called advanced pathologies treated with simple polychrest remedies, but in the last few years there seems to be a big fuss about adding new remedies to the existing materia medica since there are newer pathologies; in other words, just as the funda, the world around us, is changing, we have to change too! Do you think the new remedies will bring a “revolution”?
Vijaykar: Adding new remedies to the existing materia medica because there are newer pathologies and because the world around us is changing … this is the way of allopaths!
When they discovered penicillin in 1950, they claimed it as a wonder drug and henceforth no one would ever die of infections. But soon it got outdated and then came tetracycline, then oxytetracycline, chloromycetin, ampicillin, coxacillin and now the 4th-generation antibiotics. They explain that the world around is changing so the bacteria itself is changing, it's undergoing mutation. That's why it cannot be killed by the same drugs.
Rajesh: let me ask you a practical question: what do you do when you fail even after using all the widely known remedies?
Vijaykar: You have to try and try and try. It has to match. If it doesn't, then I am going wrong somewhere. Every remedy should be learned in its Psoric, Sycotic, and Syphilitic pictures. With polychrests, one can see symptoms and signs of all the three miasms. So you have a much wider range of symptoms from the prescriptive point of view. If I am treating insanity or schizophrenia, I will find a syphilitic mental of the patient and match it with the physical. Otherwise it's just palliation!
Rajesh: so one can practise using only polychrest remedies?
Vijaykar: I insist you can! Homeopathy is alive not because of lesser known remedies but because of polychrests. Lesser known and new remedies are used and proved by homeopaths who have no capability or ability to use the polychrests. It is only to hypnotize the younger generation.
Rajesh: so are you totally against it?
Vijaykar: I am against the way they are mushrooming! No matter what the remedy is, show us the results with the right direction of cure.
I have used remedies like Chocolate, Granite, and Lapis alba with great results. But that is not the first thing I go and look for when I treat cases, if you know what I mean. They should not dominate our attention. I rule out the possibility of widely known remedies first. As I said, in my practice 80 % cures are with polychrests and the results speak for themselves.
Rajesh: Sir, I know we can talk and talk without exhausting the subject and you have an ocean of knowledge and information. But finally can you please sum up and conclude…

Vijaykar: Never drift from the teachings of our Master Hahnemann. He has told us to go back to the future! Restore the sick to health. We should evolve for the higher purpose of our existence. And, to accomplish this, readiness to change is most necessary. Change for the better and simplicity. Everything is there in the Organon. We must develop an eye to read it, to read in between the lines, understand it in the light of modern medicine. Then this youngest and the latest science of therapeutics will offer answers and permanent solutions to as many as 1400 diseases mankind suffers from.
thanks to:


Talk indisposed to
Kali brom.,Bufo.,Baryta carb.,Baryta mur.,Agar.,Aic nit.,Nux vom.,Op.,Ant tart.,Sil.,Caust.,Hepar.,Lyco.,Sep
Plumbmet.,Rhustox.,Acid phos.,Bry.,Bora.,Mag carb.,Mag phos.,Mag sulph.,Arn.,Carc.,Sabad.,Pul.,Sil.,Cocc.,Calad.,Chin.,Spong.,Apis.,Carb veg.,Med
Smiling always
Aur met.,Aur mur.,Acid phos.,Carc.,Hyosc Bell.,Tub.,Alum.,Sabad Baryta carb.Baryta mur
Lach.,Croc.,Coff.,Chin.,Cannind.,Stram.,TMVKaliars.,Philandrinum.,Phos.,Sulph.,All Kali’s.,Crothor.,Iod.,Hyosc.,Choco.,Stann met.,Cic.Kreos.,Androc.,Arg met
Cic.,Calc carb.,Bov.,Chin.,Carb sulph.,Lyco.,Hyosc.,Bell.,Bufo.,Carb ani.,Tub.,Ambra.,Bor.,Alum Carb veg.,Stram
Shy , bashful
Calc carb.,Ign.,Puls.,Cycl.,Baryta carb.,Carb veg

Rhus tox.,Chelid.,Op.,Carb veg.,Carc.,Kali sulph.,Acid phos.Nat mur.,Nat carb.,Mag mur.,Hammemelis.,Sil.,Aur met.,Cup met
Physical restlessness
Tarentula.,Tub.,Rhus tox.,Lil tig.,Calad.,Bell.,Acid sulph.,Kalisulph.Alum.,
Calc phos.,Gels Arg nit.,Stram.,Camph.,Sulph., Calc carb.,Cann ind.,Cann sat.,
Mental restlessness
Con.,Graph.,Carb veg.,Lyco.,Lach.,Verat alb.,STram.,Petrol.,Coffea (with lips).,Arg nit.,Hysoc.,Plat
Nat mur.,Plat.,Cimic.,Petrol.,Cortisone.,Ferr met.,Acid fluor.,Graph.,Sepia.,Lyco.,Thuja.,Carbo veg
Puls.,Lyco.,Plat.,Sil.,Calc carb.,Phos.,Staph Arg nit.,
Sad looking
Nat mur.,Ign.,Staph.,Cimic.,Sil.,Ars alb.,Lyco.,Bry.,Sep.,Hepar sulph.,Chin.,Acid nit.,Acid picr.,Thuja

Iod.,Alum.,Hysoc.,Verat alb.,Baryta carb.,Bov.,Cic
Iodum—hits agin and again.
Agaricus – hits once.
Puls.,Carc.,calc carb.,Sil.,Merc sol.,Phos.,Thuja.,Med.,Cann ind.,Acid fluor Acid phos.,Sulph.,Nat carb
Discontented faces
China.,Sepia.,Caust.Acid nit.,Chin.,Thuj Sulph.,Amm carb.,Calad.,ammcarb
Beautiful faces
Brom.,Bell.,Cenchris.,Alum.,Choc.,Ign.,Arn.,Cocc.,Puls.,Nat carb.,Acid phos.,Phos.,Sulph.,Tub.,Lyco
Cruel faces
Hepar sulph.,Merc sol.,Tarentula.,Med.,Canthar.,Chinasulph.,Acid nit.
All bashful remedies like Cicuta, Iod, Baryta iod, Hyos, Stram, Baryta carb , sili  , Ignat

Silicea – haughty because of reserved ness. Never smiles only giggles.